My family and I have had a vacation planned to go to Florida for two weeks since last fall. We were going to stay at the condo that we usually rent out on Sanibel, Florida and also go to Universal to the Harry Potter theme park. Well that all changed this week. We found out the condo had been rented out--even though we told them we were going to use it. Apparently the right person didn't get that information. I wasn't the one making the arrangements. So here we are a month before we are going to go and no place to stay!
I talked to my sister who lives in Michigan and they are going on vacation the same week and we decide we should rent a beach house together for that week! Sounds great! We both look for about two hours and then she hears from her husband that he can't take that week off now! No vacation with the sister!
Now I am trying to find a place possibly around the Savannah area and also in Florida. I have another sister in Florida that is trying to help me find a place. I should be painting right now and I am spending countless hours looking for places to stay! I also lost my sunglasses this week-end. I hope whoever found them is enjoying them but feeling guilty!